How to add school fees payments manually by keying them in one by one
The manual payments addition option is ideal for instances where you need to add a few payments, 5-10 maybe. To get started, go to 'Home' view and select 'Payments' from the menu then click the '+ New Payments' button.

On the dialog window that follows, select the 'Key-in manually' tab at the top and then proceed to enter the payment details. If you would like Sematime to send the parents an SMS message acknowledging their payment and the new fee balance amount then check the 'Send SMS message...' box.

Here is a sample acknowledgement message sent by the system.

On the dialog window that follows, select the 'Key-in manually' tab at the top and then proceed to enter the payment details. If you would like Sematime to send the parents an SMS message acknowledging their payment and the new fee balance amount then check the 'Send SMS message...' box.

Here is a sample acknowledgement message sent by the system.

Updated on: 10/04/2024
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