How to add new payment modes, bank accounts or M-pesa paybill numbers
To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'Payments' section as shown below.

Adding a new payment mode
Click on the '+New Mode' button and input the name of your payment mode. For example, 'Firewood' then save changes. You can also edit or delete existing payment modes by clicking the relevant buttons as highlighted in green.

Bank accounts
You may wish to have multiple bank accounts to collect different types of payments. For example, one for remedial teaching. Click the '+ New Account' button to get started.

Choose the bank name then input the account number, branch and choose the payment mode to associate with payments deposited in this account.

M-PESA paybill numbers
If your school accepts payments via M-PESA you may want to add the paybill details so as to enable automated payments reconciliation of payments with outstanding students fees balances. You may also wish to have two separate paybill numbers - one for collecting schools and another for collecting pocket monies.

Click on the '+New Shortcode' button to get started and then fill out the details in the subsequent registration form. You can the contact us to activate 'Bank Feeds' for automated reconciliation.

Adding a new payment mode
Click on the '+New Mode' button and input the name of your payment mode. For example, 'Firewood' then save changes. You can also edit or delete existing payment modes by clicking the relevant buttons as highlighted in green.

Bank accounts
You may wish to have multiple bank accounts to collect different types of payments. For example, one for remedial teaching. Click the '+ New Account' button to get started.

Choose the bank name then input the account number, branch and choose the payment mode to associate with payments deposited in this account.

M-PESA paybill numbers
If your school accepts payments via M-PESA you may want to add the paybill details so as to enable automated payments reconciliation of payments with outstanding students fees balances. You may also wish to have two separate paybill numbers - one for collecting schools and another for collecting pocket monies.

Click on the '+New Shortcode' button to get started and then fill out the details in the subsequent registration form. You can the contact us to activate 'Bank Feeds' for automated reconciliation.

Updated on: 10/04/2024
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