Articles on: Sematime Finances

How to generating student's fees statement and other reports

Occasionally you may need to print school fees statements for a student showing invoices(debits) plus payments(credits) and how their fee balances was arrived at. Your school head may also need a weekly report on student fee balances by class, payments made per day etc.

To generate these reports, go to 'Home' view and select 'Reports' from the menu then choose the kind of report you want as shown by the red box. We provide options to download or print reports.

Statement of accounts
This report shows how your current cumulative school fees balances was arrived at. It also shows the school fees balance for each student. Select the 'Statements' option and click on 'Statements per year'

Here is sample report showing student a record of all transactions - invoices(Debits) and payments(Credits) for the whole school.

Balances reports
This section shows the various school fees balances reports you may be interested in. For example, the 'Balances per votehead' report shows how much was billed versus paid for each votehead plus the consequent balance.

Here is a sample PDF report generated for 'Balances per votehead'.

Payments reports
This section contains all reports you may be interested in concerning payments.

For example, you may want to know how much was paid by each class cumulatively in a given term.

Invoices reports
When preparing your IPSAS reports, the auditor may want a list of all invoices you have generated in a certain academic year.

Choose 'For all students' under the invoices reports and then proceed to 'Print'. You may need to filter the invoices by academic year, term or class so be sure to click the 'Filter' button and specify your criteria.

User activity logs
This report shows who did what, at what time, using which computer and from which location through their IP address.

Purchases history
Shows all the payments you have to Sematime for the annual subscription renewals and SMS units topups.

Updated on: 10/04/2024

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