How to add school fees payments by importing from an Excel file
There are two ways you add payments: importing from an Excel file or adding them manually by keying-in one by one. The Excel file option is the one you'll be using mostly to import payments data from M-PESA paybill and bank statements. To get started, go to 'Home' view and select 'Payments' from the menu then click the '**+ New Payments' button.

The system will prompt you to upload your Excel file either by drag-and-drop from your computer to the dotted area or clicking the 'Choose File' button.

Your file needs to have 4 mandatory columns: student ID(admission number), amount, reference and date paid. We recommend dates to be in these formats: dd/MM/yyyy or dd-MM-yyyy.

After uploading, the system will generate a preview of the data extracted from your file. Sematime will do its best to auto-detect the columns that have student IDs, amount, reference and payment date. However, it may still fail to correctly do it - click on the down arrow '⌄' and choose the right column.
You may click the 'Remove' button to delete any payments you wish not to import - for example the first row of your Excel file which contains column headers. Finally, proceed to 'Add Payments'.

Your payments have been added successfully, current balances updated and a receipt sent to the parent acknowledging their payment plus new student balance.

The system will prompt you to upload your Excel file either by drag-and-drop from your computer to the dotted area or clicking the 'Choose File' button.

Your file needs to have 4 mandatory columns: student ID(admission number), amount, reference and date paid. We recommend dates to be in these formats: dd/MM/yyyy or dd-MM-yyyy.

After uploading, the system will generate a preview of the data extracted from your file. Sematime will do its best to auto-detect the columns that have student IDs, amount, reference and payment date. However, it may still fail to correctly do it - click on the down arrow '⌄' and choose the right column.
You may click the 'Remove' button to delete any payments you wish not to import - for example the first row of your Excel file which contains column headers. Finally, proceed to 'Add Payments'.

Your payments have been added successfully, current balances updated and a receipt sent to the parent acknowledging their payment plus new student balance.

Updated on: 20/08/2024
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