What is the outbox and why do some of my messages end up there
The 'Outbox' contains messages that failed to be sent due to system breakdowns between Sematime and the mobile network providers. Our system then automatically retries to send the message severally, upto 5 times in a span of 30 minutes, where the message is either sent successfully or Sematime stops retrying.

You will get the error message below whenever you try to send a message but Sematime cannot guarantee that it will be sent forthwith.
Sorry, some of your messages could not be sent right now. Not to worry, we have saved them in your 'Outbox' and we will automatically resend them when our services resume
Once saved in the 'Outbox' the system will send the messages on your behalf when connectivity is restored with the operator. You can also try to manually resend the messages by selecting the messages and clicking the 'Resend selected' button.
You should also expect further communication from our support desk on cause the problem, expected resolution times, etc.

You will get the error message below whenever you try to send a message but Sematime cannot guarantee that it will be sent forthwith.
Sorry, some of your messages could not be sent right now. Not to worry, we have saved them in your 'Outbox' and we will automatically resend them when our services resume
Once saved in the 'Outbox' the system will send the messages on your behalf when connectivity is restored with the operator. You can also try to manually resend the messages by selecting the messages and clicking the 'Resend selected' button.
You should also expect further communication from our support desk on cause the problem, expected resolution times, etc.
Updated on: 04/04/2024
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