Introduction to Sematime Academics
Sematime Academics is a classroom management service used by teachers to record and analyze exam results, track daily class attendance, record indiscipline incidents and prepare quizzes from our huge questions bank. The quickest way to access Sematime Academics is from the app launcher by clicking on 'My School Apps' as shown below. You can also click this link - ( readersThe Sematime Academics quick start guide
With this quick start guide we aim to help you master all the Sematime Academics essentials in the shortest time possible. Exiting demo mode After familiarizing yourself with how the service works, it is now time to start adding your own school data. To do that, click the red 'Exit Demo' button as shown below. The system will prompt you to confirm that you indeed want to exit demo modeSome readersHow to admit or add new students on Sematime Academics
Whenever new students join your school, you want to capture their records in your Sematime account for the system to include them in exam results analysis or in order to record their class attendance. Go to the 'Students' on the top-bar and then click the 'Admit New Students' button. There are two ways you can students: importing from an Excel file or key-in manually one-by-one. ExFew readersHow to add custom fields to students and teachers records
Sematime may not always have all the data fields the school uses to capture student or teacher records so we use 'Custom Fields' for all extra data fields. For example, you may need to capture the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) number of each student or the Teacher Service Commission (TSC) employment numbers for teachers. By default, Sematime Academics does not support these data fields so you'd have to add them as 'Custom Fields'. Go to 'Home' vieFew readersHow to edit student data
You start by searching for the student whose details you want to edit as shown by the red arrow. The 'Student Editor' panel will show allowing you to enter your changes. Subjects taken - specify the lessons or subjects taken by the student in the current academic year by clicking the 'check box' next to thFew readersHow to delete a student after transferring to another school
When a student transfers to another school it is important that you delete them from your current active students records. Deleting a student removes any data(attendance, exam results, discipline incidents, etc) associated with them from your account records. Once deleted it is not possible to recover this data. Start by selecting all the students you want to delete then go to the 'Student Actions' menu and choose 'Delete permanently'. ( readersWhat are student groups and how do I use them
Student groups are a great way of organizing students in diverse arrangement plans separate from class units. For example, you can create a group for 'day scholars, special diet students, transport routes' etc. This can help when creating exams for students who come from different classes. In your account, student groups are shown on the lower part of your class lists under the 'Groups' folder. Two groups are pre-created: Unassigned Students - shows any students who have not beenFew readersHow to bulk update student photos
When you admit new students Sematime auto generates student photos for you. However, these photos are only temporary placeholders and are expected to be replace by actual student photos that will appear in official school documents such as result slips, report cards, etc. To get started, prepare a folder containing all the student photos with each photo having the student ID or admission number as the file name. See the image below. Then compress the photos folder into one ZIP file. (https:Few readersHow to promote students to the next class
At the beginning of a new academic year you are expected to move students to a new class. For example, Grade 4 East 2023 now becomes Grade 5 East 2024. Before you get started, please ensure that you have created a new academic year to move the students to. Otherwise, you will get this error. How do I create a new academic year and set term dates ( readersHow to download students data into an Excel file
Say you want to print the student records to create a check-in / check-out document that parents will need to fill in at the school's entrance for your next academic clinic. Sematime lets you to export your classlists data into an Excel file with ease. To get started, select the 'Download Classlist' on the 'More Options' menu as shown by the red arrow in the image below. You will beFew readersHow to add new teachers to your Sematime Academics account
Adding teachers records is the second most important thing you need to do after activating your account. With students data already added, we need teachers to start taking class attendances, entering exam marks, recording discipline case, assessing learning outcomes etc. To get started, go to 'Teachers' view and click on the 'Add New Teachers' button. There are two ways to do this: importing data from Excel or adding teachers manually. ( readersHow to edit a teachers details, assign lessons or change classes supervised
You start by selecting the teacher whose details you want to edit. Utilize the search function to locate teachers faster. Once selected, the 'Teacher Editor' panel shows up allowing you to make all the necessary changes. Remember to 'Save Changes' when finished. To delete a teachers from your account, select the check box next to their names and then click on the 'Delete' button. (Few readersHow to assign lessons to teachers and enroll students
This is very important as it allows to know who teaches what class. Subject teachers are also responsible for keying in marks for new exams or recording CBC formative assessment results. Click on the 'Lessons' view on the topbar and choose the class whose lessons you want to allocate. Under the 'Subject Teacher' column choose the teacher to assign for each subject by clicking on the down arrow then save changes when done. Remember to do this for all the other classes. (https://storaFew readersHow to add a new exam for marks entry by teachers
To add a new exam where teachers are expected to key-in marks, go to 'Home' view then select 'Exams' from the menu and click the 'Add Exam' button as shown below by the red arrow. Fill in the details of your exam such as name, type, academic year, term etc. Sematime already comes with a default grading system but you can add your own or edit it as needed. We support both overall and subjectFew readersHow teachers enter student exam scores after marking exam papers
There are two ways through which teachers can input marks - the web app or the mobile app. To input marks via the web app, click on this link, and input your login credentials. Under 'Exams in progress' choose the exam whose marks you want to input, select your subjectFew readersHow to publish an exam after all marks have been entered by teachers
Publishing an exam is the last step of the marks entry process and should be done after all teachers have entered their marks. When you publish, Sematime locks the exam and prevents further entry or editing of marks thereby preparing the exam for the next phase of 'exam analysis and report generation' To publish an exam, go to 'Home' view on the topbar and select 'Exams' from the menu then choose the exam whose marks you want to publish. Then click the 'Publish Exam' button as shownFew readersHow to send exam results to parents via SMS
Go the 'Home' view, select the 'Exams' menu-item then choose the exam whose results you want to send. Under 'Exam Actions' menubar, choose 'Send Results'. The results sender dialog window will show up from where you can add the classes whose results you want to send in the red box area. You also get a preview of how each SMS message will appear when received by the parents. Click 'Few readersHow to generate exam analysis reports
After publishing your exam results, it is now time to unleash the real magic of Sematime Academics - reports generation. Go to the 'Reports' view on the topbar, then select the report type and exam name as shown in the image below. The exam overview report A comprehensive collection of all the important insights you need to understand how your students faired in this exam. It contains 1Some readersHow to record class attendance
Class supervisors are mandated with the task of taking daily class attendance. Before proceeding, kindly ensure that you have assigned supervisors to all the classes. You can see this article for more info - How to edit a teachers details, assign lessons or change classes supervised. Select 'Attendance' from the 'Home' view menu. Click the 'Take Attendance' button as shown by the red arFew readersHow to add a new discipline case
The Discipline feature enables teachers and administrators to easily document and track student disciplinary cases, which captures the student name, incident, action taken and also notifies parents via SMS every time an incident occurs. All recorded incidents are analyzed and included as part of the student's termly or annual report card. Select 'Discipline' from the 'Home' view menu and cliFew readersWhat are Sematime Academics tools and how can I use them as a teaching resource
We designed the 'Tools' section as a means of providing teachers with extra teaching resources and aids in order to simplify their work. Here is what we got: Questions Bank A huge database of 7,000+ questions with answers that teachers can use to make tests and quizzes for their students. All questions have been topicalized to make it easy to find questions from the same topic and class. Check out How do I create a quiz by finding questions in a question bank? (/en/article/how-do-i-Few readersHow do I create a quiz by finding questions in a question bank?
As a Form 3 Chemistry teacher, you have just finished covering the topic 'The Mole: Formulae And Chemical Equations' and now wish to gauge your students understanding of the concepts you just taught. Of course, you can use the questions in your course book but you'd like to test them using questions from past exam papers.Few readersHow to use the exam generator to create new exam papers
Three months have passed since the new term began, you have rigorously covered all the syllabus areas expected of you and you need to create the end of term exam papers before schools close for the holidays. Of course, you could create the papers manually and take a whole day while at it or you can let the Sematime Academics exams generator do all the heavy lifting for you.PopularHow to download past KCSE past papers with questions and answers
It is that time of the year when you need to prepare students to sit the national exams. You have covered your syllabus, administered topical assessment quizzes and tests to gauge your students and you now want to prepare them to tackle exam papers from yesteryears. To get started, go the 'Home' view menu, select 'Tools' and then open the 'Past Papers' page. As shown in the image below, choose the KCSE year whose papers you want then select the subject to view questions and answers.PopularHow to analyze past KCSE exam papers and predict topics likely to be tested
When sitting for the KCSE exams, a student usually has to prepare by reading through coursework content from Form 1 to Form 4. Considering that Kenya’s education curriculum for high schools has 15 subjects covering approximately 400 topics that’s really a lot of coursework to cover within a limited timeframe.PopularHow to generate school leaving certificates on Sematime Academics
In Kenya, schools are expected to issue students with leaving certificates upon completion of primary school and secondary school learning stages. Creating these certificates manually for 440 Form 4 students is not something we look forward to as it takes too much time typing the details for each and getting the school principal to sign them. frame Exam results ExFew readersHow to add new classes, streams or year groups
You have recently admitted more Form 1 students than you can comfortably fit in your existing classes and now need to add a new stream to host them. To do so, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'Classes' section as shown below. Classrooms - refers to the actual physical rooms where learning actually happens. You can add or remove any classrooms for thisFew readersHow to upload KCPE scores for use in calculating value added progress
Most of the exam analysis reports generated by Sematime have a field called - value added progress (V.A.P). It is a metric schools use to compare current exam performance with the benchmark KCPE score so as to tell whether performance has improved or dropped since admission. To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'KCPE scores' section as shown below. You can either manually enter the details manually or click 'Add KCPE Scores' to import fFew readersHow do I create a new academic year and set term dates
Academic year 2023 is coming to an end and you now need to promote students into their 2024 classes. To do that, you need to create a new academic year then have the system automatically create the all the 2024 classes for you. To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'Academic years' section as shown below. Click on the 'New Academic Year' buttFew readersHow to change the school letterhead, stamp and other account details
To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'School account' section as shown below. You can start by changing your school registration info such name, email address, etc or scroll a little further down the page. School leadership - specify the names and contact details of the school administration team. We need these details to sign-off documeFew readersHow to add other users to your Sematime Academics account and assign them rights
You may want to delegate some tasks such as admitting students and teachers in your school to someone else. Instead of sharing your login details with the delegatee, you want to assign them their own login credentials and restrict their functions as desired. So you add them as a new user. To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'User permissions' section as shown below. Click 'Add New User'. ( readersHow to add or edit the subjects offered by the school
To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'Subjects' section as shown below. Choose the year group whose subjects you want to edit then make the necessary changes and remember to save your work. To remove a subject click the blue 'X' button of the respective subject row. To add another subject to a class, click the '+ Other Subjects' and cFew readersHow to set subjects grouping for 8-4-4 secondary school exams
Under the 8-4-4 curriculum secondary school students in Kenya take up to eight subjects but not all of them are considered when computing final mean score and class ranking. The 'subjects grouping' rules specify which subjects fall under which group those that are mandatory and those that are optional. To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'Subjects' section and click on the 'Subjects Groups' tab as shown below. Choose the year groups wSome readersHow to set the number of exam papers each class takes during an exam
By default, students only sit one paper per subject during an exam. However, in some year groups students may need to take more than one paper such as Mathematics Paper 1 & Paper 2 in Form 3 and Form 4. Depending on your school type, Sematime will have pre-created all the relevant exam papers for you per class but you can still override these settings and customize them for your school. To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'Exams' section as shFew readersHow do I set the grading system for my exams
A grading system help us determine what scores or marks constitute a grade A, B+ or C- in your school. At the point of setting up your account one was created for you but you can always customize it as per your needs or even add a new one. Sematime supports both the subject-specific grading and overall grading. Some subjects, like Mathematics and Sciences, may have a different grading scale than the rest of the subjects. To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then opeFew readersHow to automate entry of teacher comments for report cards and results slips
When generating report cards and result slips teachers are expected to provide a commentary on the student's score per subject - see the image below. Manually entering these comments for hundreds of students can be daunting so Sematime lets you automate the process by creating pre-defined comments to be applied depending on the grade scored by the student in a subject. To get started, go the 'Few readersSpecifying the criteria used by the school to rank students in different year groups
In the 8-4-4 curriculum students can be ranked using the total marks, mean scores or mean points. Most schools prefer to use mean points for Form 3 and Form 4 classes as they tend to be even more detailed than the other two. To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'Exams' section and click on the 'Students Ranking' tab as shown below. For eFew readersHow to change my Sematime Academics password, profile photo or email address
To get started, go the 'Home' view menu and select 'Settings' then open the 'Change Password' section as shown below. You will be prompted to enter your old password, then new password and re-enter the new password to confirm you've typed it correctly. 'Save Changes' when done. If you do not know your current password, check out this article for help in creating a new one - How to reset my Sematime account password (/en/article/how-to-reset-my-sematime-account-password-1knyl93/Few readersHow to renew your Sematime Academics subscription
To renew your subscription, click on your profile photo and choose 'My Subscription'. In case your subscription has not expired, you will see the number of days remaining plus an option to 'Extend Subscription'. On the final step, you will be take to the payments processing page to choose your preferredFew readersHow to view message delivery reports for sent exam results, report cards and results slips
The 'Messages' sections shows delivery reports for all the messages you have sent from your account. For example, when you send fee balance reminders it is important to check who did receive the text message for you to follow up via other means. For starters, Sematime shows you a summary of the insights derived from your message logs: Messages delivery statuses - shows a summary of the sFew readersHow to record CBC formative assessments via the Sematime Academics app
Ceee Beee Ceee! Yeah, I know it's a good curriculum with great intentions. No doubt. But if there is one thing we teachers have grown to love to hate is - burdensome formative assessments recording. Found this description by Gemini AI very apt:Few readersHow to add or edit CBC subjects, strands, substrands and assessments
To save you time during data entry, your Sematime Academics comes preloaded with strands, substrands and assessments for each subject. However, you can still add your own data from your ' Settings' under the 'Assessments' section. On step 2, specify the year group and the subject whose data you want to edit or add. The system will load the data that we preloaded for you when you setup your Sematime Academics account. ( readersHow to generate, print & download CBC formative assessment reports
Generating PDF or Microsoft Word formative assessment reports is where Sematime Academics really excels at. What would literally take hours to compile - we can do it in 5 minutes for a school of 1,000+ students. To get started, go to the ' Reports' view section of your account and then choose the report you want us to generate for you. Student summary report It shows how a student has performedFew readersHow to setup the new KCSE 2023 subject grouping & grading rules
The Kenya National Examinations Council(KNEC) introduced a new subject grouping system for the KCSE 2023 cohort that was meant to increase the number of students qualifying for universities, Diploma and TVET training at Certificate and Artisan levels.Few readers