Here is how to purchase the unlimited SMS subscription
The unlimited SMS subscription allows the school to make one payment per year and then get to send as many message as they wish for the rest of the year without making any other extra payment.
For example, instead of buying 3,000 SMS units every two weeks, you make a one-time payment of Ksh 50 per student in January 2024 and only pay again when your subscription expires after 12 months, that is, in January 2025. It will not matter how many messages you send in a year as the price will remain the same.
We also offer an 'on-demand pricing plan' where you just pay for what you use with rates ranging from KES 0.50 per SMS to Ksh 1.00 per SMS. No minimum order amounts. No expiry of SMS units.
To purchase your unlimited SMS subscription, go to the 'Deals' section of the menu and enter the number of students you have in your school then click the 'Subscribe' button. See the image below.

You will be prompted to confirm your subscription details then taken to the payment processing page for you to choose your preferred payment option. Follow the instructions given.

Once your payment has been received, you will receive a text message and email confirming that your subscription has been activated.

For example, instead of buying 3,000 SMS units every two weeks, you make a one-time payment of Ksh 50 per student in January 2024 and only pay again when your subscription expires after 12 months, that is, in January 2025. It will not matter how many messages you send in a year as the price will remain the same.
We also offer an 'on-demand pricing plan' where you just pay for what you use with rates ranging from KES 0.50 per SMS to Ksh 1.00 per SMS. No minimum order amounts. No expiry of SMS units.
To purchase your unlimited SMS subscription, go to the 'Deals' section of the menu and enter the number of students you have in your school then click the 'Subscribe' button. See the image below.

You will be prompted to confirm your subscription details then taken to the payment processing page for you to choose your preferred payment option. Follow the instructions given.

Once your payment has been received, you will receive a text message and email confirming that your subscription has been activated.

Updated on: 04/04/2024
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